


It's a scary thought, but one that's crossed the mind of nearly every kid: will the world end? Many adults joke about the world ending in various ways, but what are the real possibilities? Let's look at the facts and the scenarios that could lead to the end of the world.

There are two main possibilities that could cause the end of the world: asteroid impacts and climate change.

Asteroid Impacts

An asteroid is a large rock that orbits the sun, similar to planets and moons. Every so often, an asteroid will pass close to Earth and poses a threat of impact. If a large enough asteroid were to hit the Earth, it could cause tremendous destruction, enough to cause a mass extinction event. Fortunately, most asteroids that pass close to Earth are too small to cause serious damage. However, if a large enough asteroid were to hit the Earth, it could cause the end of the world.

Climate Change

Climate change is a phenomenon caused by human activity. As humans produce more and more carbon dioxide, the atmosphere becomes more and more saturated with the gas. This traps heat and causes the planet to warm.

If the warming reaches a certain point, it could cause severe weather and sea level rise that would make the planet uninhabitable. This could lead to the end of the world, as we know it.

The Bottom Line

The world won't end anytime soon, and the odds of either of these scenarios occurring are very slim. However, it is important to be aware of the possibilities, and to take steps to reduce the effects of climate change. By taking action now, we can ensure that the world will be safe for generations to come.